Sanctuary Cove Boat Show

On Saturday, Greg took the kids to the local boat show to see what the builders were currently offering and what the new technologies were.
He had fun going from stands to stands and visiting few boats. His comments: the finishes are really not great (eg ugly door hinges), the boats are sold with less and less options, very little storage space is offered. His conclusion: Merlin stays the best!
While Greg was browsing around the kids had fun trying radio controlled boats:
Victor: “It was a great sailing time. I finished second twice. The only problem was that the wind came just at the end”.
Felix: “I loved this boat show. What I preferred was to show my special knot trick to everybody. I also liked the remote controlled sailing boats but I had to stop because they told me I was too young to play with these boats.”
Clea: “ I loved the ball and the rescue buoy they gave me at the boat show and also a pointy cabin in a monohull”