Strict Fiji

We had a good passage between Tonga and Fiji where we encountered our first big squall since we left Cape Town. Enough bouncing around for 2 hours to be sea sick for 24 hours. The sea became calmer and calmer and we caught a big yellow tuna (and a mahi mahi escaped again before we could bring it higher than the 2nd back step).
As the overtime fees are really steep here we slowed down radicaly before arriving and were doing 2knt for the last 16 hours. We then arrived at 8:30am on Monday - but waited until after 4:30pm for the customs to come on board who then asked us to pay overtime (but we didn't at the end)!
Some of the "quarantine" questions are as follow: do you have in your possession:
-products including meat (yes we do), dairy products (yes we do), shells (yes we do)
-handicraft (yes we do)
-equipment used with fish (yes we do!)
-bicycle (yes we do)
-sporting boots (yes we do)
Did you in the last 30 days visit a farm, a forest or a space with farm animals (yes we did) you think they will allow us to stay?
Reader Comments (2)
Sounds like an interesting place with all those questions ... I think they will let you stay! Enjoy Fiji!
J'adore vos réponses...mais que s'est il passé avec tous ces "oui"?
J'imagine les visages de tout le monde.....
Finalement: vous restez?