Waiting time in Bora Bora

Greg wanted to install the new bracket for our windlass. That wasn’t an easy job as it took him 2 days to remove the shaft from the gearbox of the old windlass (yes, boating can be very technical!). Fortunately, a fellow cruiser came to the rescue and helped Greg. However, few other parts were also broken, so we are waiting for the arrival of the new spares. Since Thursday, they are supposed to arrive “tomorrow” with the ferry. As a good working windlass is essential, we are waiting on our mooring ball, patiently, watching lots of our friends leave for some more western destinations.
Our turn will come soon. In the meantime, there are some more maintenance jobs to keep Greg busy, some school for the kids and some deep cleaning for Emmanuelle. We are still enjoying the fresh baguettes every morning. We also went for a nice ride this morning and some reefs are still waiting for the Merlins to come and discover the local fish.
After all, it is really not a bad place to wait!
However Bora Bora (like most of the Society Islands) must have been a much better place 100 years ago – with no tourism, no hotel, no bungalow over the water, no pearl shops every 10 metres, cheaper prices but with loads of pristine and accessible beaches!