The latest news

We should arrive tomorrow so there is some excitment on board. 130 miles to go. However the wind died and we are going slowly, but surely, with the asymetrical spinnaker at 4.5-5 knt.
Greg, Victor and Mamouss had a Pacific haircut.
Greg, Felix and Emmanuelle went for a Pacific swim in very very clear and blue water. Can't find a better swimming pool than that.
We caught a fish, a 1m Wahoo, but it escaped when we tried to pull it on board. A real pity as it was our first fish!
We had a amazing moon rise last night. It was as orange as the sun going down on the other side.
This morning, we spent 3 hours trying to get rid off the many bugs in the pasta, the flour and the rice.
Our position: 10deg 08'S 136deg 28'W
From all the crew awaiting for more wind... Please send us some land news!
Reader Comments (1)
Don't give up on the fishing. As soon as you get there you will be catching bigeye tuna every time you change anchorages, maybe a yellowfin if your lucky. We were sick of tuna by the time we left. Be careful with the reef fish though (ciguatera). Bonne chance