Felix: " I am part of the writing club at school and here is my latest story. What do you think of it?"
The Mysterious World
(By Felix Hall Year Four)
One night, while two brothers were asleep, a cyclone came and sucked up their old wooden house. The house spun around high in the air, was spat out and came crashing down on a peculiar, gluey substance.
Dring, dring! Dring, dring! “Time to wake up” cried Alexandrew.
“What, already! I just fell asleep,” mumbled Mick tiredly.
As usual, Alexandrew went out to fetch the daily mail. All of a sudden, he screamed, “Where in the world, are we? Why is yesterday’s post on our roof?”
“I don’t know!” shrieked Mick fearfully from inside the house. “But, what I do know is that we slept thirty-six hours,” he said looking at his watch with surprise.
Mick put his dirty clothes on and jumped down to see if Alexandrew was telling the truth. As he approached the garage, a small green dragon came swooping down and landed softly between the two shocked brothers. They turned in amazement to see a smiling face appear before them. “Hi, my name is Jemo,” the dragon grinned cheerfully. “I’m a saltwater dragon and I can swim as deep as I want, and breathe underwater,” he boasted.
The brothers stumbled backwards, aware of the possible dangers. Once they realised the dragon wasn’t going to hurt them, they stood up and Mick said: “Hi, this is Alexandrew. He’s my tiny brother. He’s nine years old and is as clever as me. I’m Mick and I’m thirteen years old. I can lift forty-eight kilos,” exclaimed Mick proudly showing off his prestigious muscles.
“It seems that you are new to Gapar,” said Jemo happily to the boys. “It’s bizarre! Friends just come and go. If you’re wondering what is Gapar, it is a mysterious world where you can learn how to fly.”
The brothers turned to each other with a look of wonder, “So how do we learn how to fly? asked Alexandrew curiously.
Jemo announced loudly to the brothers, “Before you can learn to fly, we must go on a long journey to find the flying station where you can learn new flying tricks and discover other places on Gapar. We’ll need to get to the flying teacher as fast as we can because the faster we go, the better the teacher you will have. I’m also coming with you because I’ll be a good guide and I’d like to learn new tricks too.” explained Jemo. “First, you’ll need some useful items from your home.” So Mick and Alexandrew got a torch, a rope, some balls, a bag full of food, two sleeping bags and a miniature water tank. (Mick liked to carry the water tank on his back for fun like a crazy mouse with cheese). When the brothers were loaded up, they came down to the garage to start their long 35 km journey.
One hour after leaving their house, Mick cried out in laughter. “Look over there, there’s a dragon with a BEARD!
The dragon with the beard turned around and faced the two brothers angrily, so angrily it seemed he was going to explode. Mick and Alexandrew were looking as if they were facing a starving bear.
“What do you mean by, ’this is a beard?’ Can’t you see it’s a badge holder?” roared the dragon who was proudly showing off his medals. “I’m a professional. And you, why, you’ve got nothing, not even a badge holder.”
“Well, we do have strength and cleverness” announced Alexandrew. “We are really sorry we called your badge holder a beard,” he continued in a kind voice.
“So you’re going to the Flying Test. Is that right?” said the dragon with an evil sounding voice which sent shivers up the boys’ spines. “Well then, guess what! I’m going to race you, and see who wins. If you lose you’ll be the 999th person I’ve kicked out of this world. If you win, you get, NOTHING and you get to stay.” cried the dragon cruelly, grinning at the two sad, expressionless faces.
“So it was you!” shouted Jemo, “you’ve been kicking all my nice friends out of Gapar! It must end! This time you won’t succeed! If we win you will need to be kicked out of this world, you betrayer!”

So they set off to race the evil dragon to the flying test. They needed to go ten times faster now but Mick was too heavy for Jemo to carry. Jemo and Mick climbed a hill and then went even higher by climbing a huge tree nearby. Jemo grabbed Mick’s thick arms and glided down towards the bushy earth. Alexandrew was speeding past vines on the ground. It was certain that they would win.
But thirty exhausting long minutes later, the small group saw a nasty sight. The two brothers and Jemo could see the bearded dragon AHEAD of them!
“Come on everybody! We can do it! We just caught up with him, so let’s try going a bit faster. Let’s try to reach the speed of a cheetah. There’s a bit left to go!” screamed Jemo excitedly, encouraging the boys on.
Keeping that in mind, Jemo glided faster and Alexandrew started running, even faster than before.
After a while Jemo cried, “We’re here at last! Now quickly let’s run towards that old looking dragon! He’s the flying instructor. ”
They did as they were bid to do, Alexandrew ran as fast as he could. He ran at such a fast speed it seemed that he was flying.
When they arrived, Jemo introduced the brothers to a dragon. “This is the best instructor you can get in this whole world!” screamed Jemo with excitement.
“By the way, why does that fat dragon seem so disappointed?” asked the instructor curiously.
The brothers and Jemo looked around and saw the bearded dragon all red with anger and disappointment. “Never mind that, let’s get flying!” he quickly said in a happy tone showing his three students the way.
Once they finished their extraordinary lesson the three companions could fly like a champion, flip in the air like a dolphin, dive at an unbelievable speed (faster than an eagle), appear in mid-air, breathe fire for ten long minutes, do a massive U in the air, swoop downwards like a seagull hunting for its food, and turn without touching the ground.
“Phew! That was worth it,” exclaimed the two brothers gladly as they were given a nice cosy badge holder.
“Now would you prefer to have fun like a dragon or go home?” suggested Mick.
“I think we should go home and practise flying above our house.” replied his brother.
They went up in the air getting ready to swoop down like a bird towards their home. Since then, they have never seen, or heard about the evil bearded dragon, again.
The end