Another visit to Stradbroke Island
Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 4:43PM
Admin in the english journal

On Sunday, we did a quick visit to Stradbroke Island. Felix was busy with some friends, Victor was camping with other friends (on Stradbroke in fact! but I promise, we didn’t go to spy on him!).

So we were only 3 to go, easy.

Dans le ferry, partageant un delicieux smoothie a la myrtille

We decided to do very simple. So we only packed our swimming stuff, left the car on the main land, took a water taxi and then the bus to the main beach. We swam in blue blue water, walked along the coast line and spotted few really bog turtles, had a delicious lunch in a friendly café and tasted the amazing Italian ice cream.

We came back with the 4pm water taxi, refreshed, iodised, happy and sandy.

Simple is easy and we promised ourselves that we will do it again – hopefully very soon.

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
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