An amazing trip for Victor
Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 8:04PM
Admin in the english journal

This year seems to be a very interesting one as there is a school trip to Base Camp, Himalaya, Nepal. We just received our physical program to prepare for the trip; 3 runs a term, a few day hikes, running up stairs and altitude training. The problem is, this trip is quite expensive! That means I'm really going to need to contribute and get a job!

HOwever, it seems more and more real now. Just a few days ago, we started buying few stuff to prepare for the Base Camp trip. The saleman went ther ethree times and gave me some tips. Here are the Sstuff I still will need to buy appart from special shoes and clothes: Lip balm x3 as I might get real dry and craked lips there, hand wash, toilet paper (apparently the toilet paper there is real rough so I'll be able to swap a few sheets of it for food or a few cents 😄)and good sock.

I have started getting a few jobs: gardening over the weekends and holidays, selling books and food at a market, helping out at a holiday gym program for kids, washing boats and baby sitting.

There are about twenty kids coming on the trip and two of them are my friends. One even is a scout! (I hope it counts for badge work!)

Bye for now, VICTOR

Article originally appeared on Merlin's Voyage (
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